Life has been normal. Really normal. :-) Shelby and Dave Jr. (her name for her liver) have been getting along beautifully. She has had FABULOUS fact, she doesn't need labs again until we go to Chicago for her ONE YEAR transplant check-up :-O Amazing! It feels so good to type that. She is doing great in school and, of course, is still a social butterfly. In a week she will turn 11!!! Her body has changed so much since she stopped the steroids in the fall. She actually has definition in her tummy; not that round "sick liver" belly.
Scott continues to stay VERY busy as an elementary school nurse and started in January working on his bachelor's degree. Riley is brilliant, but cannot keep her room clean to save her soul! LOL! She continues to excel at piano and voice lessons. She landed a role as one of Ariel's sisters in her school's production of The Little Mermaid, Jr. She is so lucky to be SMART and GORGEOUS! Avery is still our Little Sunshine. She loves kindergarten and is learning so much. She is great!
Recently we moved 3.5 miles to the east. Long story short, the owner of our house was ready to sell and we are not ready to buy. We'll miss our neighbors (especially Mom & Dad), but we are still close.
Like I said, Shelby is fast-approaching her birthday. In 5 days it will be 11 months ago that she received her life-saving gift. To look back on pictures of her a year ago, well, its like a nightmare. A bad, bad dream. So glad that is behind us. I'll try to update more often, hopefully with some birthday pics next week.