Monday, December 03, 2012

Our Hero

This post has taken me a while to put together.  I know what I want to write, but its hard to do it without being overcome by emotion.  You see, we heard back from Shelby's donor's family.  Dave, age 43, father of a gorgeous little girl, Grace, and cute little boy, Jack, and husband of 16 years to his college sweetheart, Christy, was Shelby's donor.  Christy made the brave, selfless decision to donate Dave's organs after he had a brain aneurysm.  The doctors told her there was no way he would recover.  There is no way that we can thank her enough for her decision except to take care of Dave's/Shelby's liver the best we can.  I am honored to have a connection with them.  I really like Christy.  We hope to meet soon.  More to come later....

By the way, maybe you noticed I removed the post-transplant counter.  I kept it up until she was as far post-transplant as she waited.  The 223 day mark has been surpassed.  She is now off steroids and on only 4 transplant-related meds!!!  She's on a few more for IBS, but still FAR less than she's been on since she was 4 weeks old :-)

Friday night she had a fever and has been stuffy and achy.  She's home from school today and she had labs drawn this morning.  Yesterday I noticed petichea on her chest :-(  They can be *normal* with a virus, but let's pray her labs look good.  They will probably be a bit off because of being sick, but I'm hoping for just a "bit," not "a lot."


Tania said...

Thank God for the survivors that are still here on Earth to have a moment of clarity with all their grief! God bless the family as they work through their grief. What a beautiful gift. GO SHELBY!!

Anonymous said...

Dave is a hero! Especially to Grace and Jack! He was a great father. I had the blessing to be with Christy when they asked her about organ donation. She said they had never talked about it. I told her I thought Dave would do anything to help others and this was a great way for him to do just that!
Please talk to your loved ones about organ doantion before a decision has to be made.
Please continue to keep Grace, Jack and Christy in your prayers, they need it.
Shelby, pass on Dave's love by living, loving and laughing all the days of your life. Bless you all!
One of Christy's Best friends