Saturday, April 21, 2007

We have our hands full

Sorry to not give more updates, but, as you see by the title of this post, we have our hands full. Avery's bili came down, but now is back up. Its been as high as 17.8 this week and as of today is at 16.2. She's been back on the bili lights here at home and having daily heel pricks to check her bili level. She also has been losing weight despite what I think has been pretty good nursing. As of today I am back to pumping and feeding her my expressed milk so we can measure what exactly is going in her. She's down about 3/4 of a lb. from her birth weight. She's as cute as ever though and loves to snuggle. I just wish we could get her on the right track. Please keep her in your prayers. Her next weight check is Monday. I pray that it moves in the right direction.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jenn...checking out the Martin Girls Blog and hoping that Avery's bili level has gone down and STAYS where it is supposed to be! She sure is a cutie!! I'll bet her sisters and her Daddy adore her alot--I already know Mommy does. :0) My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Give Avery a hug from me!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry there is still cause for worry about little Avery's bili and weight. Best wishes for her!
Sven (from LF)