8:32 p.m.
We came home early this afternoon. As of right now, the plan is 2 more days of IV antibiotics and weekly injections (at home :-O) of G-CSF done by us (:-O :-O). Home health came and gave us a review on running the meds. She's on her 2nd dose already. One thing we're watching, though, is her temp. She just looks "off," and her temp is 99.9. Not high, but it has been in the 97-98 range for days now. It better not get any higher as her ANC is still only in the 300's. I added more pictures to the May RMH 2010 album.
Prayers that fever stays in check. Glad to hear you're home! It's the best!!
Blair & Xander (LF)
Prayers that Shelby is able to stay well and stay home.
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