I was starting to feel like a med-free labor may not be the route I was going to be taking. So far, walking, rocking and sitting in the tub were helping manage my labor. But, the nurse kept making me get out of the tub every so often so I could be hooked up to the monitors to make sure the baby was tolerating labor o.k. I was dilated to 5 cm...that's it! I had been at 1-2 cm for weeks and after 12 hours of labor (not hard, though...that's when my water broke) I was only at 5! What a rotten deal! Finally, there was just a time that I got out of the tub and didn't want to go back in. I asked for something to help with the pain. No epidural, though. I am pretty sure they gave me dilaudid for the pain. It worked. I felt all out-of-it, but was aware of things. I really could have cared less what was happening, but at one point remembered thinking "I don't want to feel this way when they hand me my baby." My dose was wearing off around 11 p.m. I did not want another one and that was just fine because I fully dilated in those 2 hours. It was an easy delivery with only 5 pushes to get her out. She was gorgeous! And still is.... Happy 10th Birthday my first-born! I love you so much!
Happy Birthday, Riley!
Moreena, Joerg, Annika, and Frankie
Great pic of Riley!
Can't believe she is 10 already! You are going to have a crazy teenager on your hands before ya know it Jenn.
Hope she had a great bday!
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