Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Biopsy Day

9:02 p.m.
We're in our room on the 6th floor. Her W(hite)B(lood)C(cell count) is a whole whoppin' 1.5 (very low - hard to fight off infection) so she's in a private room. Fever is still up around 103, but she's munching on chips and watching TV. She just looks rough, though. She did have a dark BM so that's a bit concerning. They'll be checking her hemoglobin soon, along with running blood cultures on her P(eripherally)I(nserted)C(entral)C(atheter) line, checking L(iver)F(unction)T(est)'s and starting her on vancomycin and zosyn (IV antibiotics). Is this the reappearance of the (suspected) cholangitis? More updates to come...

6:38 p.m.
So...Shelby and I took a snooze for a little over an hour and she woke up with a temp of 102.5. And her hemoglobin has dropped some. Both not good. The IR doc came in to see her and said that she'll be admitted for the night. What's going on?!?!?! I'll update when I know more.

Shelby in recovery inhaling a popsicle
2:15 p.m.
We are in recovery. All went well. It was just over 2 hours that she was back there. The doc took 8 biopies! She's pretty sore. We're just trying to keep her content, thus I must hand over the computer....later.

11:00 a.m.
They gave her the white stuff in her IV and off she went. That was about 15 minutes ago. Here are some pictures of her waiting. Really she was very relaxed. She only got upset when she knew that it was time to go to sleep and that happened so fast. We were told by the IR doc to not worry if we don't see him for 2 hours. He wants to take 3-4 samples. He said that he is really stumped, like Dr. Superina is, on what this is. We were crushed to find out that we were told inaccurately that we would have results today. There might be some preliminary results...maybe. We just pray that all goes well during her procedure. Scott and I are stuffing in McDonald's...time to finish eating.


Coralee said...

Thanks for the pics and the Skype. A is doing great. I'm wrapped in my prayer shawl too. Hugs to you all...especially right now to you waiting ones!!


Coralee said...

Was that FOX news Scott was watching?

Jenn said...

No, it was Sports Center.

Maggie said...

Glad to hear she is in recovery and through the biopsy phase. I have copied and emailed your updates to West View to keep them informed. We are all thinking of you guys!

Fred and Carol said...

We are sending our love.

Uncle Freddie and Auntie Lu

moreena said...

Glad to read it went well. Checking in frequently, and thinking of you all today. Hoping for the best of news.

p.s. the word verification for my comment is "parti." So very, very wrong.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear about the fever. I'm hoping things start moving in the right direction.
Mary O.

Anonymous said...

I am praying for you all. Remember, God is GREAT!!!

Patti said...

We are praying for all of you. I crocheted bracelets for Breanna and I to wear today and however long we need to. I used the yarn I have that is the same as the yarn you used for Shelby's blanket. So every time we look at it or feel it against our wrists we say a prayer. Hope all improves. Smiles, hugs and prayers!

Anonymous said...

We've been checking in on you guys throughout the evening...we are praying for you all......Much love -
Melissa and Donovin

Fred and Carol said...

With Shelby's and Uncle Freddie's WBC and hemoglobin's we should put the two of them in the same room.

Shelby I know you are being a better patient than Uncle Freddie.

Sending all my love to all of you,

Auntie Lu

Coralee said...

Dad says you need to do some 'splainen of your codes for "us dummies" out here who don't know what WBC is or 1.5 compared to what? I told him it's liver friends code.

Pastor John Hobbs said...

I am thinking about you - and hope that today brings good news.