Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday - MRI Day

5:37 p.m.
We've been back at the room since about 4 o'clock. The MRI went well. They did put in a breathing tube as they needed to "make" her hold her breath for certain pictures. She's awake, but content laying in bed and watching SpongeBob. Dr. Superina already came in...but, we still don't have "THE" news. He said he needs to sit down with the radiologist and go over her films. He pulled them up on the computer and showed us that in some the images it looks fluid-filled, but it some it doesn't. ARRRRGGGH! I gave him my best puppy dog look and asked if he could give me some medication to sleep another night without an answer. In the morning he said he would come see us, but we'll probably be discharged by then. They're planning on cutting us loose by 10 a.m. Home health is already scheduled to come to our house at 5 p.m. tomorrow. We wait some more...:-(
2:16 p.m.
She's finally having the MRI done. Only a few hours later than expected - ha, ha! That's how it goes. They gave her some medication through her PICC line and off to snooze-land she went.

Here's how funny this kid is. When we were moved down to MRI and they were asking all sorts of questions Shelby told them her name was not Shelby Martin (hoping to get out of the test b/c they'd think they had the wrong kid). When they asked what her name was, she hesitated and replied "Emma Carrotpoo." So, they kept referring to her as Emma/Shelby. Too funny...now we wait and worry and wonder and...more later.

By the way, the birthday boy made it here safely and is now sitting across the table from me studying.
7:50 a.m.
We actually slept pretty good for being in a hospital. Shelby is feeling fine. All is still go for her MRI to be at 10:30 a.m. and I am still hearing that we will hear the results today. Scott will be heading in soon to join us for the day - and its his birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I miss my Riley & Avery sssssooo bad. I'll keep this short as Shelby is waiting to play on the computer. I'll update when I have anything new to report.


Anonymous said...

Good Luck!
Mary O.

Fred and Carol said...

Good luck Emma Carrottpoo!

Uncle Freddie and Auntie Lu

Carolyn Michelle said...

Good luck Miss Emma Carrotpoo, hahaha. That's so Shelby. I'm waiting to hear the results right along with you!!!! Praying hard.
-All my love,

Lisa and Aiden said...

We are praying!! I hope that everything is ok. HUGS